Small Satellite Thermal Management with 3D Printed Metal Heat Sinks Containing Phase Change Material Thermal Storage

The product that I aim to produce, as a result of my research, is an enabling technology for next generation high-powered small satellites that has many applications and is very much aligned to SmartSat’s priority research areas in Advanced Communication, Advanced Satellite Systems and Next Generation Earth Observation Data Services.

The technology that I aim to develop will provide thermal management of high-powered small satellite electronics and increase their usability, improving satellite services and connectivity. Given the enabling application of my research to all small satellites, it can be applied to multiple sectors which includes Agriculture, Mining and Resources, Disaster and Emergency Management, Water and Environmental Management.

In concert with the SmartSat’s overarching strategy, the technology developed by my research is aimed to build capacity within the space sector via the: culmination of knowledge translation and creation resulting in a novel way to prevent high powered small satellites from overheating, with the ultimate aim to commercialise a product that will provide capability to the Australian space industry and manufacturing in South Australia.


Project Leader:
Professor Peter Murphy, The University of South Australia

PhD Student:
Artur Medon, The University of South Australia
