Skills Gap Analysis Stage 2
SmartSat CRC and the Australian Space Agency are seeking to better understand the current capabilities of Australian space industry actors, and the needs for the future activities that will drive the national space industry forward. The project will undertake additional qualitative work to triangulate the results of the Space Industry Skills Gap Analysis to;
(i) provide industry validation for the Australian Space Skills Taxonomy;
(ii) test the Skills Gap findings with the lived experience of space industry and training providers, and capture more qualitative information about skills needs pressure points; and;
(iii) capture the views of stakeholders underrepresented in the analysis (e.g. TAFE).
Concurrently, the proposed project will extend the Taxonomy to map skills to space industry occupations/job roles, competencies, and skill levels. This will enable, and help to inform, work to measure and track the space workforce and, in combination with the Analysis, identify training priorities for the space industry. This includes potentially informing future updates to the Australia New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).
Project Leader:
Dr Sarath Tomy, La Trobe University