Konstantinos Chatzopoulos Vouzoglanis

Exploring the utility of high frequency satellite information on wildfire characterisation and impact estimation

RMIT University

Konstantinos Chatzopoulos Vouzoglanis is a PhD candidate in Geospatial Science at RMIT University. His research aims to find new ways to characterise wildfire impact and severity in the landscape, using active fire metrics derived from next-generation earth observation sensors and algorithms. He is interested in spatial-temporal data integration and modelling, geostatistics, machine learning and geo-programming for linking multi-scale data and environmental processes. Prior to his PhD candidature, Vouzoglanis completed an Masters of Science in Geoscience and Remote Sensing at Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) and an Integrated Master’s in Spatial Planning at Aristotle University (Greece).

Project Title: Real Time Fire Analytics

