PhD Student Information Hub

The SmartSat CRC Conference 2024 provides an exciting opportunity to bring together our research community to celebrate our achievements and review the future strategic direction of the organisation.

As a SmartSat PhD Student, your conference registration includes:

    Wednesday, 4 September 2024 | Various Locations | 1.30pm – 5.00pm ACST
    Thursday, 5 September 2024 | Adelaide Oval | 8:30pm – 5:00pm ACST
    (preliminary time)
    Thursday, 5 September 2024 | Adelaide Town Hall | 6:30pm – 10:30pm ACST
    Friday, 6 September 2024 | Adelaide Oval | 8:30am – 3:00pm ACST
    (preliminary time)

As one of our PhD Student, the conference provides an opportunity for you to showcase your research to your peers, SmartSat research teams and industry partners. In order to make the most of this opportunity, you are expected to submit a Technical Poster on your research to be displayed at the conference and online. All posters are due by COB Friday, 19 July 2024. Selected student may be asked to submit a short 3-minute video Poster Oral Presentation showcasing your research for reviewing by our selection panel to select students to present at the conference.

If you have any questions about any of the guidelines below, or require any additional assistance, please contact [email protected].

Travel & Accommodation
Laura Fries | [email protected]

Technical Posters & Video Presentations
Tuul Machlay | [email protected]

Conference information & programming
Alison Bowman | [email protected]


SmartSat requires all PhD students attending the conference to submit a Technical Poster summarising your research to be displayed at the conference and on the conference website. This is an important opportunity to showcase your work to your peers, SmartSat research teams, industry partners and even potential employers. All posters must be produced using the official SmartSat poster template, which can be downloaded below. 

Your poster should showcase your research, particularly the impact of your research, either predicted or actual. Your poster should include all relevant contact details including name(s), organisation name(s) and logo(s), job title and email address(es). You may also wish to add your mobile phone number so delegates can contact you to discuss your research throughout the conference. The conference program will allot time specifically for attendees to view the posters, at which time all PhD students should ensure they are available to stand by their posters and present them. 


All posters must be submitted in PDF format via MySmartSat by clicking on the Submit SmartSat Conference Poster icon. Files names should follow the naming convention LastName, FirstName_Poster2024. Any submissions not using this naming format will not be accepted. The submission deadline is COB Friday, 19 July 2024. Any posters not received by this deadline will not be accepted.


Students required to submit a video will be contacted individually soon.

In order for our research team to select the best projects to present live at the conference, selected PhD students may be required to submit a short video outlining their research, with a particular focus on impact, either predicted or actual. Your submission video must be no longer than three minutes (180 seconds) and can be filmed on your smartphone, webcam, or on a video camera. All video entries must be made in English (or Auslan with English accompaniment).

Tips for filming your submission video:

  • Make sure your smart phone/webcam/camera is static (on a tripod) or set up on a solid, flat surface.
  • Try to set yourself up in an area with good natural light or ensure that you are well lit (not backlit or in shadow).
  • Make sure you film in a quiet environment to ensure there is little to no background noise. Try to avoid filming in large, empty or echoey rooms as this can distort the audio.
  • Make sure to allow yourself a few practice attempts to ensure you are providing the best introduction to yourself and your research.

To make sure that you provide the best overview of yourself and your research, use the guidelines below to draft your script. Please ensure that any statements or words in bold are included in your final video.

Hello, my name is…Your full name, including suffix if applicable
I am a SmartSat CRC PhD Student from…The full name of university or academic institution.
Avoid using abbreviations or nicknames. For example, say ‘University of South Australia’, not ‘Uni SA’ or ‘University of New South Wales, Sydney’, not ‘UNSW’.
My project is SmartSat ProjectYour full project number and title, for example ‘SmartSat Project P1.27 Cognitive Satellite Radios
My research…Provide a brief summary of your researching, making sure to focus on the most engaging aspects of what you are working on.
The outcomes/impacts of this research are…It is important to highlight the ‘why’ of your research. Consider: Why is your research important? What problem are you trying to solve? What product or tangible outcome sits at the end of your project? How is your work benefiting people/the world?
Thank you for considering my project for the SmartSat CRC Conference.

All videos must be submitted in either MP4, AVI or MOV format via the link below. All files must follow the naming convention LastName, FirstName_Video2023. Any submissions not using this naming format will not be accepted. The submission due date will be advised.


SmartSat will provide travel and accommodation for PhD Students based outside of Adelaide to attend the conference at the Adelaide Oval Hotel. Please complete the travel request form below to indicate your travel preferences and we will be in touch to confirm your booking.

Please note, all students must ensure incoming flights arrive in Adelaide by 1.00pm to allow time to attend the PhD Facilities Tour.

If you have any specific accessibility requirements when travelling or otherwise, please contact us to discuss.