Training Master Classes
Master Class: Space law applicable to mission planning (Adelaide, SA)
Date: Thursday 7 December 2023
Time: 9am (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)
Location: Novotel Sydney Central, Watson Bay Room, 169-179 Thomas Street, Haymarket NSW 2000
Join us for an exciting Master Class on Space Law, where we will explore the legal aspects of the rapidly evolving space industry. Whether you’re a space enthusiast, a legal professional, or simply curious about the future of space exploration, this event is for you!
Industry experts, Steven Freeland and Donna Lawler of Azimuth Advisory, will delve into various topics, including international space treaties, commercial space activities, liability issues, and more. You’ll have the opportunity to engage in lively discussions, gain valuable insights, and expand your knowledge of this fascinating field. The day will be segmented into two sessions:
- Morning Session: Space law applicable to launch services
- Afternoon Session: Space law applicable to in-orbit operations
Whether you prefer attending in person or joining us online, we’ve got you covered. Don’t miss this chance to learn from the best and connect with like-minded individuals. Register now to secure your spot!
Donna Lawler, Azimuth Advisory
Donna Lawler (BA, LLB) is a Co-Founder and Principal at Azimuth Advisory, a member of the International Institute of Space Lawyers and a fellow of the London Institute of Space Policy and Law. She is an experienced commercial space lawyer specialising in complex transactions in the space and telecommunications industries. Over twenty years in the satellite industry she has been an advisor to Optus and SingTel on satellite related issues, and more recently, to a range of commercial space organisations, including launch facilities, launch service providers communications satellite operators, and operators of cubesat constellations.
Emeritus Professor Steven Freeland, Azimuth Advisory
Emeritus Professor Steven Freeland (BCOM, LLB, LLM, PHD) is a Co-Founder and Principal at Azimuth Advisory and is Emeritus Professor of International Law (and former Dean) the School of Law at Western Sydney University, Australia where he specialises in Commercial Aspects of Space Law, International Criminal Law, Public International Law and Human Rights Law, as well as a Professorial Fellow at Bond University.
Professor Freeland has represented the Australian Government at various United Nations Conferences and Committee Meetings over a period of seven years, and has advised the Australian, New Zealand, Norwegian and several other Governments in Asia and the Middle East on issues related to the national and international regulation of space activities and the development of a national space-industry strategy. He has been appointed by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) to co-chair the five-year Working Group on ‘Legal Aspects of Space Resource Activities’, and by the Australian Government as a Member of the Advisory Board of the Australian Space Agency.
Past courses
Master Class: Space law applicable to mission planning (Adelaide, SA)
This course will provide an overview of the legal and policy issues associated with the domestic and international legal regimes regulating commercial space activities. It will provide an overview of the international Space Treaties and the associated obligations and compliance factors associated with international law. It will examine domestic Australian space law and also provide an overview of relevant commercial law issues such as spectrum licensing, Export Controls and ITAR implications. In addition, it will also address key issues of insurance and liability cross waivers. Delegates will receive course and certificate of attendance. Morning and afternoon teas and lunch are provided.
Content covered
General introduction to the international legal framework for space, including:
- Space treaties
- Space-related instruments, such as Debris Mitigation Guidelines
- Customary law
- Interaction between the international legal framework and Australia’s national space laws
- Overview of Australian national space licensing regime
- International allocation of radio-spectrum (licensing of radio-spectrum in Australia by ACMA)
- Export Control Regulations (Defence Trade Controls/ITAR/EAR)
- Overview of legal risk management in commercial space contracts, including why all hosted payload contracts should include cross-waivers.
- Case Study: planning a space mission
Master Class: Radiation Protection for Space (Adelaide, SA)
Radiation is a major hazard in spaceflight, causing progressive performance degradation and/or can lead mission-ending failures. Critical or sensitive electronics must have been already radiation hard assessed or need to be radiation tested before the mission to guarantee the required tolerance against radiation damage for the mission life. This workshop aims to introduce an understanding of the space radiation environment, space radiation effects on payload mounted devices and a practical overview of the radiation assurance process from design to launch. This course was carried out over a series of two days:
- Day 1 will be targeted towards engineers, commercial entrepreneurs and will provide a general overview of the space radiation environment and its effects on spacecrafts.
- Space Radiation Environments and Models
- Basics of radiation matter interactions (ions, gamma, neutrons) Part 1
- Basics of radiation matter interactions – Part 2
- Shielding with application to space radiation
- Rad effects in space components & microelectronics and their mechanisms e.g. TID, DD, SEE – A little on analysis (FASTRAD, NOVICE, rate calculation using SPENVIS and OMERE)
- Testing/Qualification & Facilities (Domestic and international)
- Day 2 will be case studies focused, using practical examples of the radiation assurance process, and will be target
- Radiation Hardness Assurance
- Preferred parts lists
- Understanding what the specs are telling you.
- Standards/Process
- Introduction to Monte Carlo simulations / radiation transport modelling of space radiation effects (GEANT-4, FASTRAD)
- Space Weather/ BOM Services
The Workshop included presentations and contributions from the following organisations:
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology
- The Australian National University
- University of Adelaide
- Saber Astronautics
- Defence Science and Technology Group
- Bureau of Meteorology
Master Class: Applied Space Systems Engineering Course (Adelaide, SA)
Applied Space Systems Engineering examines the practical application of space systems engineering processes throughout the mission lifecycle. The course is aimed at developing the relevant knowledge and skills needed to apply systems engineering tools and techniques within a project environment to produce effective space systems. Using a combination of lecture, interactive discussions and group exercises, the course presents a detailed review of 17 major systems engineering processes within three major categories: Design, Realization and Systems Engineering Management.
Course Objectives
This course is aimed at giving you the knowledge, tools and experience to enter any phase of the space mission life cycle and apply systems engineering processes to achieve practical results. At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Define key systems engineering terms
- Explain fundamental systems engineering principles
- Apply systems engineering tools and techniques to solve specific design, manage and realization challenges
- Develop relevant systems engineering artifacts for a given scenario that captures and communicates design, systems management and system realization decisions.
Who Should Attend
Systems engineers, payload principle investigators, subsystem engineers or project managers involved in any phase of the space mission life cycle.
- Design
- Bounding Scope
- Engineering Requirements
- Developing the Solution Architecture
- Manage
- Managing Interfaces, Configuration and
- Data
- Making Decisions
- Managing Risk
- Technical Planning
- Realise
- Implementing and Integrating
- Verification and Validation
- Transition and DevOps
- Hands-on Exercises Throughout
- Capstone Exercise
- FireSAT Case Study (Reference)
Master Class: Designing Space Missions and Systems (Sydney, NSW)
Designing Space Missions and Systems examines the real-world application of the entire space systems engineering discipline. Using a process-oriented approach, the course starts with basic mission objectives and examines the principles and practical methods for mission design and operations in depth. Interactive discussions focus on initial requirements definition, operations concept development, architecture trade-offs, payload design, bus sizing, subsystem definition, system manufacturing, verification and operations. This is a hands-on course with a focus on applications. Design exercises are conducted to give first-hand experience with the techniques presented and gain experience with mission design trade-offs.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course you will have the knowledge, tools and experience to start with a blank sheet of paper and design an effective space mission to meet a broad set of objectives, or critically analyze proposed mission designs with insight into the critical trade-offs between cost, schedule, performance and risk. You’ll walk away with:
- An enhanced understanding of the big picture of space missions and systems
- A detailed working knowledge of how all the elements of a space mission work and the key trades that lead to a successful mission
- Practical experience with applying systems engineering processes to develop conceptual designs for space missions and systems
- An organized framework for future space learning —on your own, in academic courses, or other short courses
Content covered:
- Module 1: Conceptual Mission Design
- Applied Space Systems Engineering
- The Space Environment
- Designing Space Missions
- Module 2: Orbit Design
- Understanding Orbits
- Describing and Using Orbits
- Maneuvering in Space
- Orbit Design and Selection
- Module 3: Spacecraft Design
- Launch System Services
- Ascent & Reentry
- Payload Design
- Spacecraft Architecture Development
- Module 4: Subsystem Design
- For Each Subsystem Review
- Scope, Driving Requirements
- Functional Architecture
- Physical Architecture Options & Key Principles
- Subsystems
- Electrical Power Subsystem
- Attitude Determination & Control/Guidance
- Navigation & Control
- Rocket Propulsion, Communications,
- Data Handling, Thermal Control
- Structures and Configuration
- Module 5: System Implementation, Operations & Evaluation
- Implementation
- Mission Operations
- Evaluating Mission Cost and Risk
- Threaded Case Study and Hands-on Exercises.