Home News & Events Media Releases Media Releases Media Releases from 2023 to now are available here. 2019-2022 Media releases available below. 2022 10 November 2022SmartSat CRC and NASA team up to collaborate on astronaut emergency communicationsDownload 25 October 2022South Australia’s first satellite Kanyini booked to blast off in 2023Download 26 September 2022Queensland Government and SmartSatCRC invest $1.5M each to deliver the Queensland Earth Observation HubDownload 23 September 2022HyperScout 2 Flight Model, a hyperspectral imaging camera, for South Australia’s Kanyini mission ready for integration into spacecraftDownload 6 June 2022EOS Space Systems joins SmartSat CRC as core partnerDownload 18 May 2022All systems go for next phase of South Australia’s first state satelliteDownload 3 May 2022QuantX Labs & SmartSat CRC accelerate the development of an orbiting space clock in an Australian FirstDownload 2021 5 November 2021NSW funding harnesses space technology to solve global challengesDownload 19 October 2021$500k allocated for five UK Aus Space Bridge projectsDownload 15 October 2021Leonardo, SmartSat and Deakin University enhance the use of space data for maritime securityDownload 15 September 2021Findon High School launches into SA space history (Premier Steven Marshall)Download 24 August 2021New satellite system would enhance water quality management in AustraliaDownload 20 July 2021Funding partnerships launch the UK-Australia Space BridgeDownload 23 June 2021RMIT Space Industry Hub to host SmartSat Victoria NodeDownload 31 March 2021Name of South Australia’s satellite in the hands of our bright young stars (Premier Steven Marshall)Download 23 March 2021SmartSat announces appointment of new Chief Research Officer Dr Carl SeubertDownload 11 March 2021NSW takes one big leap for space industryDownload 20 January 2021Ground-breaking South Australian space mission lead by SmartSatCRCDownload 2020 15December 2020SmartSat CRC formally launches the Aurora Space Startup ClusterDownload 18 September 2020SmartSat and CSIRO commence AquaWatch project to boost national water quality management with space technologyDownload 17 September 2020Leonardo joins Adelaide’s Lot Fourteen space precinct in partnership with SmartSatDownload 9 September 2020NASA Search and Rescue announces partnership with SmartSatDownload 22 July 2020World leading experts to spearhead $20m of vital space sector R&D investment by SmartSat CRCDownload 27 February 2020 NSW Government establishes a home for Space Industry InitiativesDownload 17 February 2020SmartSat CRC Research AnnouncementDownload 2019 5 December 2019SmartSatCRC Foundation Board announcedDownload 4 October 2019 Space start-ups get a voice at Australia’s newest space organisationDownload 2 October 2019Why Australia needs to stand on its own in spaceDownload 30 September 2019Australian space experts focus on small sat technologyDownload 27 September 2019Australia’s leading space organisation prepares take offDownload 11 September 2019 Students developing space-age ideas for a more sustainable planetDownload 9 September 2019 SmartSat CRC to support UN push for sustainable developmentDownload 6 September 2019School students to assist space scientists to tackle United Nation’s Sustainable Development GoalsDownload