Sector Priorities
The SmartSat is a collaborative consortium of industry and research organisations that are developing enhanced satellite connectivity, navigation and monitoring capability to propel Australia’s space industry forward and generate transformative technologies to support sector needs. The technologies developed by SmartSat have the potential for application across a wide range of sectors.
As part of its planning, SmartSat had established three End User Boards to identify the challenges and needs of their sector and formed working groups to develop their respective Sector Priorities under the guidance of SmartSat’s Industry and Deputy Industry Directors. Sector Priorities have been developed for: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mining and Energy. The Defence and National Security Sector Priorities will be published shortly.
These priorities will inform the SmartSat Research Program and help improve the sustainability and prosperity of critical sectors through harnessing transformative space industry technologies. Across each of the sectors, common problems have been identified which further highlighted the need for strong and robust cross-sector collaboration and the need for the space industry to leverage and pivot their technology and capability to service multiple sectors.
The priorities identified can be used by SmartSat partner organisations and the space community to help guide development of project proposals and identify priority areas for further research and development.