On-Board Processing for Advanced Tactical Satellite Communications (OBP for ATC) – Phase 1

The project seeks to develop technology for advanced tactical satellite communications as a long-term option to augment or replace current High Mobility satellite communications services provided by Ultra High Frequency (UHF) SATCOM.

The project will develop and implement an advanced waveform, operating in a higher frequency band, that meets current user needs and creates a technology growth path to address capacity and resilience concerns that cannot be overcome with current technology.

The project will build Australian expertise and potentially lead to enhanced AIC for future phases of JP9102. It proposes the use of Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology and On-Board Processing (OBP) of the communications waveform in space. So called “regenerative payloads” offer significant performance benefits compared to “bent-pipe” payloads at a cost of increased complexity.

This phase of the project will define the requirements and performance specifications for a conceptual tactical network and implement an initial demonstration system on non-flight qualified software defined radios. This aims to accelerate the development of a follow-on project or phase aimed at developing a prototype capable of integration with an experimental satellite.

The target technology demonstration and experimentation program for this research is the Defence STaR Shot for Resilient Multi-mission Space. The demonstration will showcase a game-changing approach to the provision of resilient satellite communications to the tactical warfighter.


Project Leader:
Luis Lorenzin, Defence Science and Technology Group
