The SmartSat CRC (SmartSat) is a collaborative consortium of industry and research organisations that will develop enhanced satellite connectivity, navigation and monitoring capability to propel Australia’s space industry forward and generate transformative technologies to support sector needs. It will catapult Australia to leadership in niche areas of intelligent satellite systems, advanced communications and Earth Observation driven data analytics. The technologies developed by SmartSat have the potential for application across a wide range of sectors including Mining and Energy. Transformative technologies in the area of Earth Observations from space, Global Navigational Satellite Systems (GNSS) and satellite enabled communications can address the gap between data and decisions for Mining and Energy. This document provides snapshot of key industry needs and research focus areas as well as a foundation for SmartSat to develop and implement projects and solutions based on the principles and objectives. The priority areas identified in this document were developed by the SmartSat CRC Mining and Energy End User Advisory Board (EUAB). This document will be used by SmartSat to guide the development of project-focused strategies and establish SmartSat priorities. The project strategies will take into consideration the impact, cross-sector collaboration, leverage of other initiatives and programs, returns on investments, and returns and benefits to project partners and the industry as a whole. This document may be used by SmartSat partner organisations to help guide development of project proposals and identify priority areas for further research and development.
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