University of Adelaide
Joram Downes is a PhD candidate at The University of Adelaide, School of Biological Sciences. His research focuses on mapping seagrass distribution and dynamics using multi- and hyper-spectral satellite imagery, including the KANYINI satellite which is an initiative of the Government of South Australia and SmartSat CRC. The research will enable the development of a ‘pipeline’ for genera specific seagrass distribution and health mapping for the Adelaide Metropolitan Coast and will have broader global implications, ultimately informing conservation efforts through the integration of data at a meaningful spatial scale.
Prior to his doctoral studies, Joram achieved a First Class Honours at Flinders University where he optimised empirical satellite derived bathymetry using multi-spectral imagery over the Adelaide Metropolitan Coast. He has also worked as a coastal consultant where he developed a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by our coasts.
Project Title: Developing capability to assess live coral cover and seagrass species using satellite based hyperspectral imagery