Oliver Hatswell

What Does Satellite Remote Sensing Reveal About the Paleohydrology and Archaeology of the Simpson and Strzelecki Deserts?

Flinders University

Oliver Hatswell is an archaeologist specializing in geophysics, with a particular interest in archaeological sciences. He holds a Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management from Flinders University. His Master’s research applied geophysical techniques to understanding the stratigraphy of the open-air archaeological site Klein Hoek 1 in South Africa. He is currently pursuing a PhD at Flinders University, utilizing satellite remote sensing and machine learning to map archaeological landscapes in the Australian Arid Zone. His research will apply multispectral, multitemporal, and elevation-based methods to map key geomorphic features to inform our understanding of archaeological potential, chronology, and depositional history in the Australian Arid Zone.

Project Title: Innovative Mapping of Archaeological Landscapes Using Satellite Remote Sensing