Zachary Auhl

Using Blockchain and DRBs to Orchestrate an IoT Network

La Trobe University

Zachary Auhl is a PhD candidate at La Trobe University, Melbourne, working on blockchain applications and research in the IoT space. Zac’s research is focused on applying distributed consensus mechanisms at the fog layer of IoT networks, to reduce the dependence on centralised architecture. The aim of this project is to apply the framework to wireless sensor networks, to move data processing and authentication from the cloud layer to the fog layer.

Zac completed his undergraduate degree at La Trobe University and studied Computer Systems Engineering (Honours). During Zac’s honours year, he developed a framework called FOOSA, that provided an API to simply development in Software Defined Networking at the application layer.

Project name: Using Blockchain and DRBs to Orchestrate an IoT Network

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