Dr Peter Woodgate is Chair of SmartSat CRC, Chair of the Steering Committee for the 2030 Space and Spatial Industries Growth Roadmap, a member of the Australian Space Agency’s Space Industry Leaders Forum, a Board member of the Public Sector Mapping Agency Ltd, Chair of the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network and Chair of Canthera Discovery LTD (a national cancer therapeutics research organisation). He has been involved with the space and spatial industries for over 30 years, helped create several companies and managed an industry cluster of over 100 companies translating applied research into commercial outcomes. Dr Woodgate is an Honorary Fellow of the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute, a life member of the International Society for Digital Earth and a graduate of the Institute of Company Directors. He has a Doctorate of Business Administration (RMIT University) in factors that drive innovation in the spatial industry, a Masters of Applied Science (University of New South Wales) in bushfire mapping using satellite remote sensing, and a Bachelor of Forest Science (University of Melbourne).