Home Education PhD Students Current PhD Students Current PhD Students SmartSat is proud to host an exceptional cohort of PhD students from some of Australia’s leading academic institutions. If you wish to connect with one of our PhD students, please contact us at [email protected] with your request. Franke Agenbag An automated method of detecting, characterising, and responding to radiation events in space Defence, Science and Technology Group / University of South Australia Emily Ahern Compact Clock for Small Satellite Applications University of Adelaide Robert Andriambol Integration of Earth Observation data and ground-based measurements to accurately map the effect of Urban Heat Islands Curtin University Raja Ram Aryal Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) for plant health/stress and productivity remote sensing applications The University of Queensland Zachary Auhl Using Blockchain and DRBs to Orchestrate an IoT Network La Trobe University Michael Aygur Cognitive Satellite Radios RMIT University Harrison Bennett Machine learning-enabled satellites for Agile Space Operations University of Adelaide Zhengyuan Chai A Framework for Computational Reproducibility in Environmental Science with Support for Machine Learning Applications Curtin University Xiongren Chen Interpretable Machine Learning for the Early Smoke Wild-fire Detection University of South Australia Jason Dail Improving Detection of Clearing and Regrowth in Woodlands Using Synthetic Aperture Radar University of Queensland Joram Andrew Downes Advancing the Monitoring of Seagrass Dynamics with Optical Remote Sensing University of Adelaide Joshua Davis Attack-resilient CubeSat Constellations University of South Australia Geekiyanage Deepa Rakshitha De Silva Cognitive Satellite Radios Deakin University Francesca Devoto Phenotyping of cotton production traits for different management and environment options utilising high-resolution remote sensing technologies The University of Queensland Charith Dissanayake Cognitive Satellite Radios RMIT University Glen Eaton Automating individual tree-scale aboveground biomass inventory and monitoring at local to regional scales with drone LiDAR and satellite data The University of Queensland Ghaith Suleiman Mustafa El-Dalahmeh SCARLET-α: SpaceCraft Autonomy and Onboard AI for Next Generation Space Systems Swinburne University of Technology Ethan Elms Close proximity space domain awareness on board satellite systems University of Adelaide Mingjun Fan SCARLET-α: SpaceCraft Autonomy and Onboard AI for Next Generation Space Systems University of South Australia Donna Fitzgerald Quantifying Dieback of Eucalypt Forests using Remote Sensing University of South Australia Thomas Graham Responsible AI in Space Swinburne University of Technology Anonnya Ghosh SCARLET-α: SpaceCraft Autonomy and Onboard AI for Next Generation Space Systems Deakin University Mohamad Abdul Hady SCARLET-α: SpaceCraft Autonomy and Onboard AI for Next Generation Space Systems University of South Australia Elliot Hansen Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar-based Surface and Underwater Object Detection and Classification University of Adelaide/Defence Science & Technology Group Oliver Hatswell What Does Satellite Remote Sensing Reveal About the Paleohydrology and Archaeology of the Simpson and Strzelecki Deserts? Flinders University Francis Karimi Kagai Emergency Buddy System Swinburne University of Technology Sithumini Sankalpana Mawella Kankanamge Cognitive Satellite Radios Macquarie University Bazarzagd Lkhagvasuren Integration of Digital Earth and IoT for water quality monitoring Curtin University William Damario Lukito Machine Learning Approach for The Enhancement of Transmission Capacity and Latency for Integrated Terrestrial-Satellite Communications La Trobe University Chenxi Luo Machine learning based water quality parameters predicting and forecasting La Trobe University Yu Luo Crop Mapping Based on Satellite Image Time Series The University of Sydney Trung Dung (Alex) Nguyen Advances in Long-term Water Quality Monitoring through Data Fusion La Trobe University Vinicius Guedes Goncalves de Oliveira The cybersecurity of the Australian Space Infrastructure – A legal and policy analysis Flinders University Monirul Islam Pavel SCARLET-⍺: SpaceCraft Autonomy and Onboard AI for Next Generation Space Systems University of South Australia Simon Ramsey Real-time Fire Analytics RMIT University Arun Thekedathu Raveendran High Performance Beam Steering Antenna Systems for Space Applications. The University of Technology Sydney Gillian Rowan Using space-based Earth Observation to map Australia’s kelp forests for a stronger Blue Carbon economy The University of Queensland Hira Saleem Natural Hazard prediction and damage assessment using multimodal satellite data in self-supervised XAI model University New South Wales Sydney Jordan Shipard Efficient Subnets for Scalable Onboard AI in Space Queensland University of Technology Harikesh Singh An Empirical and Dynamic tool for Prediction of Forest Fire Spread Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Technique University of the Sunshine Coast Sabrina Slimani Using Quantum Entanglement to Remotely Synchronise Clocks University of Adelaide Joanna Smart Developing Capability to Assess Live Coral Cover and Seagrass Species Using Satellite Based Hyperspectral Imagery The University of Queensland Pretha Sur SCARLET-α: SpaceCraft Autonomy and Onboard AI for Next Generation Space Systems Deakin University Than Myint Swe On-ground management of soil health by integrating proximal and remote sensing platforms in northern Australian savannas grazing land The University of Queensland Hassam Tahir SCARLET-α: SpaceCraft Autonomy and Onboard AI for Next Generation Space Systems Swinburne University of Technology Vibhor Thapliyal Fabrication of 3-D, Wavelength-Tuneable Photonic Crystals for Space-Based Mm-Wave, Terahertz, and Infrared Communications La Trobe University Kou Tian Deep Learning for Advanced Physical Layer Communications The University of Sydney Nur Fajar Trihantoro Real Time Fire Analytics RMIT University Lucas Tsutsui da Silva Semi-Supervised Learning for Automatic Improvement of Onboard Object Detection Models on Small Satellites University New South Wales Sydney Uakomba Uhongora Development of Intelligent Security Controls for Software Defined Networking-based Space Systems University of South Australia Sai Vallapureddy A Machine Learning Based Solution for Space Situational Awareness and Space Sustainability RMIT University Brandon Victor Using Satellite Data to Locate and Phenotype Plants from Space La Trobe University Kithmini Weththasinghe Signal processing of cognitive satellite communication University of Technology Sydney